
***how to be an EMO***
***About us! ***
***Contact us***


*****We love emo's! we think they are ex. fit!!! we have taken the time to make a website just for emo's! if you are a blessed one (an emo) then please please send us a pic and we will post your pic on the site! (for more info go to the contacts page) *******

***On this home page, I'll introduce EMO'S and talk about my reasons for wanting a web site about EMO'S I might put a picture of EMO'S on this page...or just a picture that I especially like...........of EMO's!!!! (sorry people we are stange!!!!!!!)***

What's New? ........... EMO'S just got hotter!!!!!!

***Here I will add an entry whenever I make an new EMO friend!. When appropriate, i will post a pic that u have sent to me!*** For example: 

***17/04/06 - Added new photo of fit EMO from york****


*****Please get in touch if you are an hot EMO, and / or live in the york area*****